

ID int (primarykey, not null)

identity int for records in the table

RecID int

the id of the record in the class table. if null then the record was not yet in the table when the session was processed

SessionID int

sequential number for the session. Each update for a specific class is regarded as a session. Only records that was updated/inserted show toe latest session id

TranDate datetime

date that the session was processed

ObjectType int

MFID of the ObjectType of the class

Class int

MFID of the Class

ObjID int

Objid of the record from the Objver of the object in M-Files

MFVersion smallint

the version from the Objver when the object was processed

StatusFlag smallint

the status flag integer is between 1 and 7

StatusName varchar(100)

Description of status

UpdateFlag int

this is the update status of spmfupdatetable when Flag spmfupdateitembyitem is processed


  • ObjectType

  • ObjID

  • Class

  • ObjID

  • Class

  • StatusFlag

Additional Info

The status flag indicates:
  • 0 the record MFversion in M-Files and SQL is identical Flag

  • 1 the record MFversion in M-Files is higher than SQL. This indicates a need for updating from Mfiles to SQL

  • 2 the SQL version is later than the M-Files version (usually signalling a syncronisation error)

  • 3 the record in SQL is flagged as deleted in SQL and does not exist in M-Files

  • 4 the record is not in M-Files and the record flag in SQL is not deleted. This usually indicate that the routine for deleting records have not yet been processed.

  • 5 when there is no record in SQL for an objver in M-Files. This usually indicate that the records was created in M-Files and that the update routine has not yet been run. This may indicate a need for updating from Mfiles to SQL Note that all templates in M-Files will also show as statusflag 5 as templates are not inserted into SQL. Execute spmfUpdateTable to move the template objects to statusflag 6.

  • 6 the Record is a template. This status flag is update by spmfUpdateTable.

  • 7 The record in SQL is marked as deleted but the record exist in M-Files (likely to have been undeleted.

Note that the records in this table is not automatically deleted. It is recommended that agent is used to delete old records in the table if they are no longer required.

The following procedures do updates to this table - spMFTableAudit - spMFObjectTypeUpdateClassIndex - spMFUpdateTable

The following special views relate to this table - MFvwObjectTypeSummary - MFvwAuditSummary







Increase size of mfversion column to int



Add unique index objectype, class, objid



Add index Class_StatusFlag



Change name of index Class_Objid



Added documentation



Create Table