

ID int (primarykey, not null)

SQL Primary key

MFID int (not null)

Assigned and maintained by M-Files

Name varchar(100) (not null)

Class name

Alias nvarchar(100)
  • Alias from MF

  • Can be created in bulk by connector

IncludeInApp smallint
  • 1 = class table created

  • 2 = transactional processing

  • Automatically set on table creation

TableName varchar(100)

Targeted Table name of class

MFObjectType_ID int

ID of the object type in MFObjectType table

MFWorkflow_ID int

ID of the workflow in assigned to the class in MFWorkflow table

FileExportFolder nvarchar(500)
  • User assigned

  • Used in the exporting of files from M-Files process

SynchPrecedence int
  • Used to assign presedence

ModifiedOn datetime (not null)

Date last updated

CreatedOn datetime (not null)

Date initially created in SQL

Deleted bit (not null)
  • Show deleted classed

  • Deleted classes records is automatically removed at next synchronisation

IsWorkflowEnforced bit
  • Maintained by M-files

  • Controls the rules to force workflow on class table

Additional Info

Custom settings for the following columns will be retained when spMFDropAndUpdateMetadata is used with the correct parameters

  1. The MFClass table is defines the classes included in the connector. The class table names is defined in column TableName in the MFClass Table. The Connector will create a default name with prefix MF for all the tables. These names can be edited.

  2. The MFClass table column IncludedInApp has several functions. If this value is set to 1 then it indicates that the Class Table is specifically used in the application. This indicator is used in procedures to refresh or update all Class tables in the App with a single instruction, and are used in many other procedures to sub select classes included in the app.

  3. The FileExportFolder column?defines the root folder to be used when exporting files for the class. Refer to the spMFExportFiles .

  4. The SynchPrecedence column defined the precedence for auto fixing of synchronization errors for the class. Refer to the Correcting Synchronization errors

The MFObjectType_ID references the primary key on the MFObjectType table. It is not the same as the M-Files internal ObjectType ID

The MFWorkflow_ID references the primary key from the MFWorkflow table for the default workflow of the class as set in the metadata definition. This ID is not the same as the Workflow internal ID.

The IsWorkflowEnforced column is set to 1 when the metadata definition is set to workflow enforced. Updating a class table where the Workflow column is empty for an class that has workflow enforced will throw an error.


  • MFID

Foreign Keys

The MFClass table references the MFClassProperty, MFObjectType and Workflow tables


-- show all tables included in app
Select * from MFClass where includeInApp = 1

-- use metadata structure view to explore class relationships with other objects
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[MFvwMetadataStructure] AS [mfms] WHERE class = 'Customer'







Added documentation



Add column for filepath



Add column for syncprecedence