Using the Context Menu

Installing MFContextMenu

Refer to Installing the Context Menu to get ready.

The Context Menu provides the ability for an authorised M-Files Desktop user to perform the following functions:

  1. Open Web Page  This is particularly useful if the user is required to access a Web Application. Instead of opening another browser, the user has a single window to open to go to the solution’s Web Applications.

  2. Execute a SQL procedure.  This option allows the user the start an action that is built into the SQL application.  An example is to pull information from a third party system or perform a match between M-Files and the external application.

  3. Execute a SQL procedure for a specific object.  This option allows for the user to perform and operation for the selected object. An example is to push an update of the specific item into the Connector. Another example is to make a copy of the object, especially where the object has a number of related objects that also should be copied and comply with specific requirements.

  4. On the change of workflow state or event handler.  This option allows for executing either a procedure without a input parameter, or a procedure that takes the object id and class as of the object in scope as input parameters.  This method is particularly relevant where the procedure must be triggered automatically when the user performed a function in M-Files.

Visibility of the Context Menu is controlled by the ‘ContextMenu’ User group.

The availability of individual menu action items can be controller by adding the user group MFID in the MFContextMenu Table.  By default all menu items is set to the ContextMenu user group.

Updating table MFContextMenu

The MFContextMenu table controls the procedures that will be executed and the type of action that will be performed.  Add a record to this table to setup a menu item.

Adding items the to table can be done using various methods

  • Use a SQL Update script to update existing items

  • Use SQL insert script to insert new items


  • Use spMFContextMenuHeadingItem to add, update, remove headings

  • Use spMFContextMenuActionItem to add, update or remove action items

Using these procedures ensures that that the related and dependent settings for each action type is correctly set.

Adding a group heading for the menu items

Menu item can be grouped together by using a header.  Use the following

Execute Procedure

 INSERT INTO [dbo].[MFContextMenu]
           ('Group heading 1'
           ,null -- fixed value for headings
           ,0 -- fixed value for headings
           ,null -- fixed value for headings
           ,1 -- this is the sort order for the menu groups
           ,0 -- fixed value for headings
 ,111 -- set this to the usergroup ID of that requires access to the menu item

Adding a menu item

There are several types of menu items. Any combination of these menu types can be included. Multiple instances of the same type is allowed.   Each type will have different considerations and the menu items will behave differently for each type.

All procedures will be run asynchronously and does not provide interactive feedback to the user on the completion of the process.

Execute Procedure

INSERT INTO [dbo].[MFContextMenu]
       ('Name of menu item'
  ,'ProcedureName' -- name of the procedure to be executed, in the case of Action Type 2 the URL of the website is used.
  ,1 -- one of 1, 2 or 3
  ,'Message displayed to user on selecting the item'
  ,1 -- this is the sort order for the menu items in the group
  ,1 -- this is the record ID of the group heading for this item
  ,1 -- set to asynchronous
  ,111 -- set this to the usergroup ID of that requires access to the menu item  )

Set Context menu for sample procedures

Installation of all the menu items for the demonstration script

Execute the following statement to reset the menu to the items in this script:

Truncate table MFContextMenu

View the result in table

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[MFContextMenu] AS [mcm]

Use the MFSQL Connector action button in the task bar in M-Files to view the result

The following script will reset the Context Menu to access the sample procedures

DECLARE @Debug INT = 0;

SELECT @ItemCount = COUNT(id) FROM dbo.MFContextMenu AS mcm
WHERE mcm.ActionName NOT IN ( 'Synchronous Actions', 'Asynchronous Actions', 'Synchronous Object Actions',
                                'Asynchronous Object Actions', 'Action Type Sync', 'Action Type Async',
                                'Sync action for context Object', 'Async action for context Object', 'StateAction1',
                                'StateAction2', 'Web Sites', 'Google website'

IF @Debug > 0
    SELECT @ItemCount AS Itemcount;

IF @ItemCount = 0 -- this procedure will only be executed if no custom menus have been created

Insert menu items

EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuHeadingItem @MenuName = 'Synchronous Actions',
        @PriorMenu = '',
        @IsRemove = 0,
        @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu';

  EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuHeadingItem @MenuName = 'Asynchronous Actions',
        @PriorMenu = 'Synchronous Actions',
        @IsRemove = 0,
        @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu';

 EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuHeadingItem @MenuName = 'Web Sites',
        @PriorMenu = 'Asynchronous Actions',
        @IsRemove = 0,
        @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu';

 EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuHeadingItem @MenuName = 'Synchronous Object Actions',
        @PriorMenu = 'Web Sites',
        @IsRemove = 0,
        @IsObjectContextMenu = 1,
        @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu';

 EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuHeadingItem @MenuName = 'Asynchronous Object Actions',
        @PriorMenu = 'Synchronous Object Actions',
        @IsRemove = 0,
        @IsObjectContextMenu = 1,
        @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu';

Setup Web Site access

EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuActionItem @ActionName = 'Google website',
       @ProcedureName = '',
       @Description = 'Illustrate access to a website',
       @RelatedMenu = 'Web Sites',
       @IsRemove = 0,
       @IsObjectContext = 0,
       @IsWeblink = 1,
       @IsAsynchronous = 0,
       @IsStateAction = 0,
       @PriorAction = NULL,
       @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu'

Setup Actions

EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuActionItem @ActionName = 'Action Type Sync',
      @ProcedureName = 'custom.DoCMAction',
      @Description = 'Action the custom.DoCMAction procedure syncronously with feedback message',
      @RelatedMenu = 'Synchronous Actions',
      @IsRemove = 0,
      @IsObjectContext = 0,
      @IsWeblink = 0,
      @IsAsynchronous = 0,
      @IsStateAction = 0,
      @PriorAction = NULL,
      @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu'

EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuActionItem @ActionName = 'Action Type Async',
      @ProcedureName = 'Custom.DoCMAsyncAction',
      @Description = 'Action the custom.DoCMAsyncAction procedure Asyncronously - Feedback in User Messages',
      @RelatedMenu = 'Asynchronous Actions',
      @IsRemove = 0,
      @IsObjectContext = 0,
      @IsWeblink = 0,
      @IsAsynchronous = 1,
      @IsStateAction = 0,
      @PriorAction = NULL,
      @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu'

EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuActionItem @ActionName = 'Sync action for context Object ',
      @ProcedureName = 'Custom.CMDoObjectAction',
      @Description = 'Action the Custom.DoObjectAction procedure Synchronously with related object including feedback message',
      @RelatedMenu = 'Synchronous Object Actions',
      @IsRemove = 0,
      @IsObjectContext = 1,
      @IsWeblink = 0,
      @IsAsynchronous = 0,
      @IsStateAction = 0,
      @PriorAction = NULL,
      @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu'

EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuActionItem @ActionName = 'ASync action for context Object ',
      @ProcedureName = 'Custom.CMDoObjectAction',
      @Description = 'Action the Custom.DoObjectAction procedure Asynchronously with related object including message in UserMessages',
      @RelatedMenu = 'Asynchronous Object Actions',
      @IsRemove = 0,
      @IsObjectContext = 1,
      @IsWeblink = 0,
      @IsAsynchronous = 1,
      @IsStateAction = 0,
      @PriorAction = NULL,
      @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu'

Insert procedures for workflow state actions

EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuActionItem @ActionName = 'StateAction1',
@ProcedureName = 'custom.DoCMAction',
      @Description = NULL,
      @RelatedMenu = NULL,
      @IsRemove = 0,
      @IsObjectContext = 0,
      @IsWeblink = 0,
      @IsAsynchronous = 0,
      @IsStateAction = 1,
      @PriorAction = NULL,
      @UserGroup = 'ContextMenu'

EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuActionItem @ActionName = 'StateAction2',
      @ProcedureName = 'Custom.CMDoObjectActionForWorkFlowState',
      @Description = NULL,
      @RelatedMenu = NULL,
      @IsRemove = 0,
      @IsObjectContext = 0,
      @IsWeblink = 0,
      @IsAsynchronous = 1,
      @IsStateAction = 1,
      @PriorAction = NULL,
      @UserGroup = 'Context Menu',
      @Debug = 0;

Context Menu security

Context menu security has two dimensions:

  1. Only users in the M-Files user group ‘ContextMenu’ will be able the see the MFSQL Connector menu.

  2. Adding a usergroup id in the column UserGroupID in table MFContextMenu will restrict access to the individual menu item to the members of the group.

ContextMenu user group

The ContextMenu user group is automatically installed in the vault during the installation routine for the replication content package.  By all internal users is added to this group by default. Individual users and/or user groups can be added.  Remove the default group when restricting access to a limited set of users.

Using MFvwUserGroup to get UserGroupID

By default the ContextMenu user group is set as the item level user group in the UserGroupID column.

The view MFvwUserGroup is a helper to get the ID of existing user groups that can be assigned to this column.  Use Select * from MFvwUserGroup to get the ID.

Create MFContextMenu table record for each  menu item

User either a synchronous or asynchronous operation by setting the ISAsync column to 1 for Asynchronous.

Action type

Action Type description



Setup Required


execute procedure (no input parameters)

Calls the procedure in ActionType.  Procedure will run asynchronously.

Create procedure with name in ActionType for the menu

Create secondary procedure that is called by the above procedure to perform the action and return appropriate messages to user


show URL

Opens URL in the default browser in new window outside of the scope of M-Files security context

use URL as the ActionType in MFContextMenu


execute procedure with input parameters

Calls the procedure with class and objid of the selected item as parameters. Procedure will run asynchronously.

Create procedure with two parameters and with name in ActionType for the menu

Create secondary procedure that is called by the above procedure to perform the action and return appropriate messages to user


execute procedure from a workflow action with no input parameters required

Calls the procedure from a workflow state action

Create procedure with name in ActionType for the menu

Add script (sample below) in the workflow state action

Create secondary procedure that is called by the above procedure to perform the action and return appropriate messages to user


execute procedure from a workflow action with input parameters required

Calls the procedure from a workflow state action and passing the object version details back to the procedure as input parameters

Create procedure with name in ActionType for the menu

Add script (sample below) in the workflow state action

Create secondary procedure that is called by the above procedure to perform the action and return appropriate messages to user

Procedures for Action Types 1,3,4 in MFContextMenu table

The Procedures that is referenced in the ‘Action’ column in MFContextMenu must comply with the following requirements.

  • All procedures must have an output parameter @Output varchar(1000) and a @ID int input parameter. The@Output parameter is returned to M-Files as a user message on completion (or error) of the routine. The @input parameter is used by the system.

  • Action Type 1 and 4 procedures cannot have input parameters

  • Action Type 3  and 5 procedures must have the following additional parameters:  @ObjectID int, @ObjectType int, @ObjectVer int, @@ClassID int

Below is samples of the types of procedures that is referenced in the MFContextMenu table. Note that the messaging component of these sample scripts utilizes logging and procedures which are only available in the Developer Module of the Connector.  These procedures will be installed when the ‘Install Sample Menu’ option is selected during the MFSQL Context Menu installation.

Procedure with no context parameters (action type 1)

Non object related sample procedure

Procedure with object related parameters (action type 3)

Object context sensitive sample procedure

Workflow state scripts

When action type 4 and 5 are used the procedure will be triggered by a script in the workflow state.  The workflow state script must comply with the following examples.  Note that there are only a few changes to be done to the script. None of the remainder of the script should be changed.

Changes to make to allow these scripts to action the designated procedure:  Change ‘workflowState1’ in the text below to the name of the action to be performed in the MFContextMenu table.

For example if the objective is to update the external ERP system with the details of the approved vendor then add this script to the approved state for the vendor workflow:

  • Add a record in MFContextMenu with action type = 5, ActionName = ‘VendorApproved’, Action = ‘custom.StateAction_VendorApproved’.

  • Add the script below in the Approved workflow state action. Change the item “”WorkflowState1”” to “”VendorApproved”” and ensure that the ActionTypeID = 5.

  • Create a procedure with the name  following the format requirements for a procedure with parameters as outlined above.

  • Create another procedure custom.VendorERPInsert  that is called by ‘custom.StateAction_VendorApproved’. This procedure will perform the ERP insert process and return the result of the process to ‘custom.StateAction_VendorApproved’

For Action Type 4 and 5

workflow or event handler sample procedure

Event Handler scripts

Action type 5 can be used in an event handler to trigger a store procedure based on an event handler.  This will require including the action script in the event handler with a corresponding record in the MFContextMenu table.

Event Handler

Option Explicit

Dim ClassID
ClassID= Vault.ObjectPropertyoperations.GetProperty(ObjVer, 100).value.GetLookupID

Dim strInput
strInput = "{""ObjectID""  : "&ObjVer.ID &", ""ObjectType""  : "&ObjVer.Type &", ""Objectver""  : "&ObjVer.Version&",""ClassID""  : "&ClassID&", ""ActionName""  : ""StateAction2"", ""ActionTypeID"": ""5""}"

Dim strOutput
strOutput = Vault.ExtensionMethodOperations.ExecuteVaultExtensionMethod("PerformActionMethod", strInput)

'Err.Raise MfScriptCancel, strOutput

User Messaging: spMFResultMessageForUI

A helper procedure is included in the Connector to assist with returning a formatted user message when using the context Menu.

This procedure works hand in hand with the ProcessBatch table and requires for the main procedure that executes the context menu action to incorporate logging as outline in Using and managing logs