Create new class tableΒΆ

A new class table for a class object (e.g. Customer) can be created using the Connector with spMFCreateTable

Insert a new record in a class table and ensure that the minimum requirements for columns are met.


default value



Valuelistitem _ ID

It is only necessary to include the MFID of the valuelistitem. There is no need to include the label of the valuelistitem.

Required properties

Columns related to required properties must have data


If the property has scripting, automation or concatenation then the columns for all the dependent properties have data

The following select statement will show the required properties of a specific class

..code:: SQL

SELECT mfms.TableName, mfms.ColumnName FROM dbo.MFvwMetadataStructure AS mfms WHERE mfms.Required = 1 AND mfms.Property_MFID > 100 ORDER BY mfms.Class;