- Return
1 = Success
-1 = Error
- Parameters
- @ClassName nvarchar(128)
Valid Class Name as a string
Pass the class name, e.g.: ‘Customer’
- @Debug smallint (optional)
Default = 0
1 = Standard Debug Mode
101 = Advanced Debug Mode
To create table for a class with associate properties and other custom columns (like ID, GUID, MX_User_ID, MFID, ExternalID, MFVersion, FileCount, IsSingleFile, Update_ID, and LastModified) The column IncludedInApp in the MFCLass table is set to 1 for the created class table.
Additional Info¶
Class tables are not added by the Connector on deployment. The class tables are added by the developer using the Connector for those M-Files classes that will be used in the application.
Table Name¶
The name of the class table is defined in column TableName in the MFClass Table. The Connector will create a default name for all the tables. These names can be customised.
Column Name¶
The name of the column is defined in the MFProperty Table in ColumnName. These names can be customised. Several special columns are automatically created:
Metadata structure properties
Standard or system properties
Additional properties
Columns for special purposes
Non Connector columns
The column order also has a very specific order.
Property Column Definitions¶
The metadata structure property columns in the Class Table is defined in the MFClassProperty table. Single and multi-lookup properties will have both a label column and a ID column, for example Customer and Customer_ID. The label column is incidental and does not have to be updated when changes are made. Only the ID have to be updated. The name column will be automatically refreshed from the metadata. If the metadata is a required property as defined in the MFClassProperty table then the column will be created with a NOT NULL constraint.
MF Addidional Property¶
M-Files allow the addition of ad-hoc properties. When a property is dropped from the metadata definition in M-Files and already have values on an object, then the property will retain its value.
When the Connector finds an additional property on an object, and it is not part of the metadata card, then a column will be added to the end of the Class Table with the columnname and datatype definitions as previously described.
Non Connector Columns¶
It is possible to add columns to the class table that will be ignored by the Connector but is available for processing in the application. These columns must have a prefix of MX_ (for example MX_SAGE_Code)
Notwithstanding the ability to add additional columns to the Connector tables following the convension above, it is recommended to create additional tables for custom applications that is cross referenced to the Connector tables rather than adding columns to Connector tables.
Special columns¶
Column |
Description |
Special application |
Updateable |
Workflow_ID |
MF Workflow_ID |
Always include workflow ID when inserting or updating the state |
Updatable |
Workflow |
MF Workflow |
For information only, not required to be updated |
From M-Files |
Update_ID |
SQL history log |
ID of history log when record was last updated |
SQL only, Read only |
State_ID |
MF State_ID |
Used to update or insert a state |
Updatable |
State |
MF State |
For information only, not required to be updated |
From M-Files |
Process_ID |
SQL process ID |
Show status of process of record. Default value is 0 |
Flag |
ObjID |
MF Internal ID |
Leave blank when new records is created in SQL |
From M-Files |
MX_User_ID |
SQL User ID |
External applications SQL user ID for the record |
SQL only |
MFVersion |
MF Version |
Last MF Version |
From M-Files |
MF_Last_Modified_By_ID |
MF user id |
From M-Files |
MF_Last_Modified_By |
MFuser name |
From M-Files |
MF_Last_Modified |
last modified |
M-Files last modified in UTC datetime format |
From M-Files |
LastModified |
last modified |
When SQL last updated, SQL server Local time format |
Default Getdate() |
IsSingleFile |
MF Single File |
Show status of the Single File property in M-Files. |
From M-Files, Updatable |
ID |
Identity |
Record id in SQL |
SQL Only |
MF object Guid |
Used for creating ULR links to record |
From M-Files |
FileCount |
MF File Count |
Count of files included in the object |
From M-Files |
ExternalID |
MF External ID |
MF displayID, must be unique |
Updatable |
Deleted |
MF Deleted |
Deletion Status of record in MF |
From M-Files |
Created |
MF Created date |
In UTC datetime format |
From M-Files |
Class name exist MFClass table contains names of the valid classes
Drop and recreate to reset a class table when the table name is customised in MFClass When an additional property is added in M-Files to an object the column will automatically be added at the end of the table.
EXEC spMFCreateTable 'Customer'
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[spMFCreateTable]
@ClassName = N'Customer'
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
Date |
Author |
Description |
2024-06-06 |
LC |
add processbatch_id |
2023-06-06 |
LC |
resolve bug for excluding some columns on create |
2023-04-19 |
LC |
improve handling of lookup columns to handle duplicate property names |
2022-12-01 |
LC |
improve handling of mfsql properties and indexes |
2022-12-01 |
LC |
improve debugging and logging |
2022-09-07 |
LC |
remove unique index on externalid |
2022-09-07 |
LC |
revamp and simplify procedure |
2022-09-07 |
LC |
update after changes to classproperty table to add IsAdditional |
2022-01-04 |
LC |
update app detail logging to include assembly logging |
2021-01-22 |
LC |
set default schema to dbo |
2020-11-21 |
LC |
Fix bug with unique index on objid |
2020-08-18 |
LC |
replace deleted column flag with property 27 (deleted) |
2020-05-12 |
LC |
Add index on Update_ID to improve performance |
2020-04-22 |
LC |
Improve naming of constraints |
2020-03-27 |
LC |
Add MFSetting to allow optional create of indexes |
2020-03-18 |
LC |
Add non clustered unique index for objid |
2020-03-11 |
LC |
Add check license |
2019-12-01 |
LC |
Resolve where duplicate columns exist and removal of ID |
2019-10-14 |
LC |
Resolve multilookup table data type incorrectly set |
2019-09-20 |
LC |
allow for ID at end of name of a lookup property |
2018-10-30 |
LC |
Add creating unique index on objid and externalid |
2018-04-17 |
LC |
Add condition to only create trigger on table if includedinApp is set to 2 (for transaction based tables.) |
2017-11-29 |
LC |
Add error message of file does not exist or table already exist |
2017-07-06 |
LC |
Add new default column for FileCount |
2016-10-15 |
LC |
Change Default of Single_file to 0 |
2016-10-13 |
DEV2 |
Added Single_File Column in Class table |
2016-10-02 |
LC |
Update multi lookup columns to nvarchar(4000) |
2016-09-10 |
LC |
Set process_ID default to 1 and deleted default to 0 on creating new record |
2016-08-18 |
LC |
Add system columns with localized text names that is required for creating a new record |
2016-06-27 |
LC |
Automatically add includeInApp if null |
2015-05-25 |
DEV2 |
Default column Update_ID added |
2015-05-23 |
DEV2 |
Default column ExternalID added |