
  • 1 = Success

  • -1 = Error

  • Fully qualified name of the table or view for the blob data.

  • Unique reference in blob table to reference the file to be imported. Th value in this column must corresponde with the value in the column set in @TargetFileUniqueKeycolumnName on the class table

  • Name of column in blob table referencing the file name

  • Name of column in blob table referencing the blob file in bit format

  • Target class tablename

  • Property in class table for unique file reference of blob file

  • mfsql_File_Unique_ref is added by the installation package and can be used for this purpose

@BatchSize (optional)
  • set batchsize for importing of files

  • default = 500

@Process_id (required)
  • recommended to set to 6

  • set process_id for the targeted records for import on the class table prior to running this procedure

@ProcessBatch_id (optional) OUTPUT
  • Referencing the ID of the ProcessBatch logging table

@Debug (optional)
  • Default = 0

  • 1 = Standard Debug Mode


This procedure will get a blob file from a designated table and import the file to a object in the class table

Additional Info

Uploading blob files involve
  1. having a DB with all the files and source metadata. This could be a pre-existing third party application, or one can upload files from explorer into a temp db as part of the data refinement process and preparing the data for import, and then use MFSQL to import the data.

  2. using MFSQL to extract the blob files and associate the files with metadata

The import history is in the table MFFileImport


The file source table as columns for a unique reference for each row, the file name and the blob data in bit format. The class table has a column (the default property is Mfsql_File_Unique_Ref ) This column includes a reference that is a unique one to one relation to the file source table for every row that must import a file The process_id column for the rows in the class table to be included in the import is set to 6

The import will be performed in batches of 500


DECLARE @Processbatch_id int
EXEC dbo.spMFImportBlobFilesToMFiles @SourceTableName = 'filedata.dbo.[FileIndex_FileData]',
                                  @FileUniqueKeyColumn = 'SerialNumber',
                                  @FileNameColumn = 'NameFile',
                                  @FileDataColumn = 'Chart',
                                  @MFTableName = 'MFDrawing',
                                  @BatchSize = 500,
                                                                      @Process_id = 6,
                                  @ProcessBatch_id = @ProcessBatch_id OUTPUT,
                                  @Debug = 0 ,
                                  @TargetFileUniqueKeycolumnName = 'mfsql_File_Unique_ref';

View import result

SELECT * FROM dbo.MFFileImport







Update code to include handling of new deleted column



Reset the procedure and issue as new