Update / Create Valuelist Items from SQL


The connector allows for creating or updating valuelist items from SQL to M-Files.  This is process could apply as part of data take on or data management operations, or be built into the processes when third party data is integrated into M-Files.

Updating creating a valuelist item

Follow these steps to update Valuelist items from SQL into M-Files

  1. Determine which valuelist items should be updated:

    1. There are new items to be added, possibly derived from the external data source.

    2. Change to the name of an item as a result of some data analysis in the valuelist item table

    3. Valuelist tems that must be deleted that is no longer required.

  2. All updates or inserts take place in MFValuelistItems table

    1. An existing item to be updated: use update procedure to change the name, and set process_id = 1

    2. An existing item to be deleted: use update procedure to set process_id = 2

    3. A new item

      1. Determine the ID of the valuelist in question.

      2. Create the valuelist in M-Files and synchronise valuelists If the valuelist have not yet been created

      3. Use insert statement to set the following columns

        1. Name

        2. MFValueListID  (note that this is the ID of the valuelist.  Do not use the MFID of the valuelist )

        3. OwnerID: Set to MFID of the owner object. Set to 0 if there is no ownership relationship.

        4. Set process_id = 1

  3. Execute spMFSynchronizeValueListItemsToMFiles



Procedure Name



Debug: 1 = Debug Mode; 0 = No Debug (default)


1 = success

Execute Procedure

EXEC [dbo].[spMFSynchronizeValueListItemsToMFiles]
       @Debug = 0 -- smallint


Execute Procedure

EXEC [dbo].[spMFSynchronizeValueListItemsToMFiles]

Valuelist settings

Note that the valuelist must allow users to update the valuelist to be able to run this procedure

The valuelist must be created using M-Files admin or pre-exist.

Ensure that the valuelist metadata synchronization is refreshed if any changes are made in M-Files to the valuelist such as changing the owner.

M-Files does not check for duplicate names in a valuelist. Special care should be taken using SQL when adding new items to ensure that there is not an item with the same name in the same Valuelist

The ownerID of an item can be added but not changed. Delete the unwanted item and create a new item. Note that this may involve moving existing data from one valuelist item to another.

When Valuelist Item labels are changed in SQL to update M-Files, the labels will change in M-Files, however, the labels will only change in the Class table in SQL after the object had a version change and a new table update has been performed.