User Messages

User messages can be generated in a variety of different ways, depending on the type of message and user requirements.

The following types of messages can be used:

  • Access error message in MFLog

  • Get error messages to email

  • Access process logging

  • Adding a process message to an individual object

  • Get process messages in M-Files

  • Add custom message in the MFUserMessage table

  • Show process results in context menu action

  • Process custom messages by email

Each of these types of messages requires a configuration and setup

Examples and setup of messaging

Access error message in MFLog

System failure messages are logged in the MFLog table and automatically sent by email to the support email address specified in MFSettings. The notification is conditional on database mail being setup in the system.

Select top 10 * from MFLog order by logid desc


Get error messages to email

Step 1: Install and setup databasemail on the server. Note the default mailprofile is set to ‘MailProfile’, however this can be changed. Step 2: Update MFSettings with mail profile and email address of recipients, separated by ‘;’.

exec spMFSettingsForDBUpdate @SupportEmailAccount = '', @EmailProfile = 'MailProfile'

On each MFSQL SQL Error a message will be sent to the email address.


Access process logging

Logging of a range of different events takes place in the background. Refer to Using and managing logs for more detail

Adding a process message to an individual object

In some use cases it is desireable to provide feedback on the meatacard of an object for the Connector process. A good example is where an object is changed by a background process and a specific object is updated.

Two properties is automatically added to the vault on installation:

  1. MFSQL Message

  2. MFSQL Process Batch

These properties are not automatically added when class table is created. They can either manually be added to the metadata card or added in SQL to the class table

ALTER TABLE dbo.MFCustomer
ADD mfsql_Message NVARCHAR(4000), mfsql_Process_batch INT

All that is remaining is to update these properties to every custom procedure to set an appropriate message for MFSQL_Message and add the processbatch_id to MFSQL_process_batch to reference back to the specific process that updated the object.

Adding values to these properties are illustated by the example procedure 90.105.custom.DoCMAsyncAction


Get standard process messages in M-Files

Core process messages are send to the MFUserMessages table and shown in M-Files in the User Messages View. Showing the messages in M-Files is dependent on configuration settings.

The installation of the content package installs the following objects related the user messages:

  • the User Message Class table with properties

  • a view for the user messages

  • Messages workflow to archive the user messages.

This table contains messages emanating from the MFProcessBatch Table intended for user consumption.

The following core processes will generate a message for the MFUserMessages table.

  1. spMFUpdateTable

  2. spMFAliasInsert

  3. spMFCreateAllLookups

  4. spMFDeleteAdHocProperty

  5. spMFDeleteObjectList

  6. spMFDropAndUpdateMetadata

  7. spMFGetHistory

  8. spMFSynchronizeFilesToMFiles

  9. spMFSynchronizeMetadata

  10. spMFTableAudit

  11. spMFUpdateMFilestoSQL

By default the Connector will not insert user messages. To enable user messages in the MFUserMessage table the MFSettings table must be updated.

EXEC dbo.spMFSettingsForDBUpdate @UserMessageEnabled = '1'

Example of process message in M-Files image2

The messages can be access with the User Messages view that is automatically added.

Add custom message in the MFUserMessage table

The Connector includes a mechanism to generate and trigger user messages.  This is built into the process batch logging detail in Using and managing logs When an entry is made in the MFProcessBatch with a LogType of ‘Message’ a trigger will update an entry in the MFUserMessages table using the spMFResultMessageForUI procedure.

Example of script to trigger a message in the MFUserMessage table

 SET @Msg = 'Session: ' + CAST(@SessionIDOut AS VARCHAR(5))
IF @UpdateRequired > 0
SET @Msg = @Msg + ' | Update Required: '+ CAST(@UpdateRequired AS VARCHAR(5));
IF @LaterInMF > 0
SET @Msg = @Msg + ' | MF Updates : ' + CAST(@LaterInMF AS VARCHAR(5));
IF @Process_id_1 > 0
SET @Msg = @Msg + ' | SQL Updates : ' + CAST(@Process_id_1 AS VARCHAR(5));
IF @Process_id_1 > 0
SET @Msg = @Msg + ' | SQL New : ' + CAST(@NewSQL AS VARCHAR(5));

Set @logText = @Msg
Set @LogStatus = 'Completed' -- setting this to 'Error' or 'Fail' will also trigger a message

EXEC [dbo].[spMFProcessBatch_Upsert] @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID OUTPUT
,@ProcessType = @ProcessType
,@LogType = N'Message'
,@LogText = @LogText
,@LogStatus = @LogStatus
,@debug = @Debug;

Show process results in context menu action

The context menu allows for a feedback message on completion of an action selected in the context menu. The message is only produced for synchronous actions. Refer to Using the Context Menu for more detail.

Process custom messages by Email

custom email messages can be sent as part of the processing of a procedure. This functionality make use of the MFProcessBatch and MFProcessBatchDetail logs. The process batch and process batch detail is generated using spMFProcessBatch_Upsert and spMFProcessBatchDetail_Insert The results in these logs can be processed as a email message with spMFProcessBatch_Email

There are two types of emails:
# Summary email

The summary email is based on the Process Batch row entry.


# Detail email

The detail email is based on the Process Batch Detail of the process batch.
