Context Menu Queue

The functionality to control context menu actions in progress with a queue is added in release This functionality is only available in the integration module.

This feature allows for action call from M-Files to SQL using the context menu actions to be controlled by a process queue. This feature is particularly important when action types 3 or 5 (asynchronous context sensitive actions) are used with a high volume of throughput (event handlers).

The queue requires special steps to include it in your integration project.


Dependent objects

Release will add new tables and procedures. Use the following script to check if it exists.

select * from sys.objects where name in ('MFContextMenuQueue','spMFUpdateContextMenuQueue')


The queue processing functionality of the context menu is reliant on using a SQL agent. This feature cannot be deployed with SQL Express editions.

The configuration has the follow key steps

  • create custom procedure for the action to be performed

  • configure Context Menu in M-Files to connect with SQL

  • add rows in the MFContextMenu for the actions

  • add scripts to the custom procedure for processing the queue

  • add action script in event handler or workflow action

  • add agent to process the queue

Custom procedure for processing update action

The first step is to create a SQL procedure to perform the action to be triggered from M-Files. This could include any operation, but it is likely to be, or include triggering the update of the underlying object from M-Files to SQL. This procedure must include specific elements highligted below. Example Procedure 90.101.Custom.CMMFiles_UpdateSQL is a complete procedure to update the context object using a trigger in M-Files.

insert into table Insert a new row into MFContextMenuQueue before the main process start. Example script snippet

-- Get the class table name

SELECT @MFTableName = TableName
FROM dbo.MFClass
  AND IncludeInApp > 0;

--Insert rows in MFContextMenuQueue to capture action from MF


DECLARE @updateCycle INT

SET @SQLQuery = N'UPDATE ' + QUOTENAME(@MFTableName) + N'
SET process_id = 0
WHERE objid = @ObjectID';
EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQLQuery, N'@ObjectID int', @ObjectID;

SELECT @ContextMenuLog_ID = MIN(
FROM dbo.MFContextMenuQueue AS mcmq
WHERE mcmq.ObjectID = @ObjectID
      AND mcmq.ObjectType = @ObjectType;
IF @ContextMenuLog_ID > 0

SELECT @updateCycle = UpdateCycle FROM dbo.MFContextMenuQueue AS mcmq WHERE id = @ContextMenuLog_ID

    UPDATE mcmq
    SET mcmq.Status = 0, @updateCycle = @updateCycle + 1
    FROM dbo.MFContextMenuQueue AS mcmq
    WHERE mcmq.ObjectID = @ObjectID
          AND mcmq.ObjectType = @ObjectType
          AND @ObjectVer <= mcmq.ObjectVer;

    DELETE FROM dbo.MFContextMenuQueue
    WHERE ObjectID = @ObjectID
          AND ObjectType = @ObjectType
          AND ObjectVer <> ISNULL(@ObjectVer, 0)
          AND id <> @ContextMenuLog_ID;

    INSERT INTO dbo.MFContextMenuQueue
    (@ID, @ObjectID, @ObjectType, @ObjectVer, @ClassID, 0, 1, @ProcessBatch_ID, NULL, @StartTime);
    SET @ContextMenuLog_ID = @@IDENTITY;



SET @DebugText = N'FAILED ';
SET @DefaultDebugText = @DefaultDebugText + @DebugText;

IF @Debug > 0
    RAISERROR(@DefaultDebugText, 16, 1, @ProcedureName, @ProcedureStep);


check result of update Get the version of the object that has been update. Place this script snippet just after using MFUpdateTable with updatemethod 1

--validate that update has taken place
DECLARE @VersionUpdated INT;
SELECT @VersionUpdated = muh.NewOrUpdatedObjectDetails.value('(/form/Object/@objVersion)[1]', 'int')
FROM dbo.MFUpdateHistory AS muh
WHERE muh.Id = @Update_ID;

--update queue with result
SET mcl.UpdateID = @Update_ID,
    mcl.ObjectVer = @VersionUpdated,
    mcl.ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID,
mcl.updateCycle = mcl.UpdateCycle + 1
mcl.Status = CASE
                     WHEN ISNULL(@ObjectVer, 0) <= @VersionUpdated THEN
FROM dbo.MFContextMenuQueue mcl
WHERE = @ContextMenuLog_ID;

Setup MFContextMenu

To trigger the custom procedure from M-Files an entry is required in the table MFContextMenu. Refer to Using the Context Menu to create or update this table.

Use the following scripts setup a class table and action item in MFContextMenu

create class table using the setup_reporting procedure will perform a number of operations, including adding entries to MFContextMenu

exec spMFSetup_reporting 'ClassName'

add row for action type 5

   EXEC dbo.spMFContextMenuActionItem @ActionName = N'Updateprop_EventHandler',       -- nvarchar(100)
                                  @ProcedureName = N'Custom.CMMFILES_UpdateSQL',    -- nvarchar(100)
                                  @Description = N'Volume test',      -- nvarchar(200)
                                  @RelatedMenu = N'Update Tables',      -- nvarchar(100)
                                  @IsRemove = NULL,        -- bit
                                  @IsObjectContext = 1, -- bit
                                  @IsWeblink = NULL,       -- bit
                                  @IsAsynchronous = 1,  -- bit
                                  @IsStateAction = 1,   -- bit
                                  @PriorAction = null,      -- nvarchar(100)
                                  @UserGroup = N'ContextMenu',        -- nvarchar(100)
                                  @Debug = 0               -- int

The following script will list all action types 3 and 5 and show if the related procedure have a Context Menu Queue component.
SELECT cm.ActionName,
   ug.Name AS usergroup, AS Mapped_procedure,
       WHEN sm.definition LIKE ('%MFContextMenuQueue%') THEN
           'MFContextMenuQueue Applied'
           'Procedure not setup'
   END AS Valid_Procedure
   FROM dbo.MFContextMenu cm
LEFT JOIN dbo.MFvwUserGroup ug
    ON cm.UserGroupID = ug.UserGroupID
LEFT JOIN sys.objects so
    ON cm.Action = 'custom.' +
LEFT JOIN sys.sql_modules sm
    ON so.object_id = sm.object_id
WHERE cm.ActionType IN ( 3, 5 );

image0 Example of a valid result

Setup the action in M-Files

Actions are triggered in M-Files based on the application of the context menu in the Vault. Consult Installing the Context Menu to install the context menu functionality.

Following is an example script for an afterCheckInChanges event handler action. Note that the action name must correlate with the action name in MFContectMenu

 Option Explicit
 Dim oProperties : Set oProperties = Vault.ObjectPropertyOperations.GetProperties(ObjVer)
 Dim ClassID
 ClassID= Vault.ObjectPropertyoperations.GetProperty(ObjVer, 100).value.GetLookupID
 Dim LastModifiedUserID
 LastModifiedUserID = Vault.ObjectPropertyoperations.GetProperty(ObjVer, 23).value.GetLookupID
 Dim VendorClassID : VendorClassID = 94
 Dim MFSQLConnectUserID : MFSQLConnectUserID = 36
 If (VendorClassID = ClassID and LastModifiedUserID <> MFSQLConnectUserID) Then
 Dim strInput
 strInput = "{""ObjectID""  : "&ObjVer.ID &", ""ObjectType""  : "&ObjVer.Type &", ""Objectver""  : "&ObjVer.Version&",""ClassID""  : "&ClassID&", ""ActionName""  : ""Updateprop_EventHandler"", ""ActionTypeID"": ""5""}"
 Dim strOutput
 strOutput = Vault.ExtensionMethodOperations.ExecuteVaultExtensionMethod("PerformActionMethod", strInput)
'Err.Raise MfScriptCancel, strOutput
 End If

Event handlers

Use the AfterCheckinChanges event handler for the updating SQL from M-Files. A separate event handler - AfterCreateNewObject - must be used to catch the creation of new objects if required. The same procedure can be applied for creation events.

Adding SQL Agent

The final step of the configation is to setup an agent that can trigger the spMFUpdateContextMenuQueue procedure. This procedure will check for any unprocessed items in the queue and process all the open items. The frequency of the updates should be considered in the light of the type of operation that is being supported, but is quite feasible to be set to 1 minute intervals. Be aware that this could have a performance impact.

Every time the SQL agent runs it will process the oldest unprocessed queue item and will retry the item 5 times. This is controlled by the agent step and checking the update cycle.

Consider having a control procedure to start and stop the agent to avoid it running in the background if updates using the event handler is only occasaional.

Sample code for the step in the SQL agent is below

Declare @id int, @UpdateCycle int
SELECT @id=min(, @UpdateCycle = MAX(isnull(UpdateCycle,0)) FROM MFContextMenuQueue sq WHERE sq.Status <> 1
IF @ID > 0 and @UpdateCycle < 6
EXEC dbo.spMFUpdateContextMenuQueue @id


On the completion of the configuration, test the setup by making a change to the class object.

MFContectMenuQueue should show the result

SELECT * FROM dbo.MFContextMenuQueue AS mcmq


The status = 1 in the above example implies that the record was that the version of the object in M-Files after checkin is the same as the version of the object in the class table after update.

Status 0 implies that the action has been received from M-Files but no processing took place. Status -1 implies that the action has been received from M-Files but after processing, the versions are different.

The following script will show the results for updating a specific property from the underlying log tables. Note that the propval in this example will report the 8th property in the XML record. The next script will highlight how to get the row number of the property

SELECT pb.CreatedOnUTC,
   uh.ObjectVerDetails.value('(/form/objVers/@objectID)[1]', 'varchar(100)') AS objid,
   uh.ObjectVerDetails.value('(/form/objVers/@version)[1]', 'varchar(100)') AS version,
   uh.NewOrUpdatedObjectDetails.value('(/form/Object/properties/@propertyValue)[8]', 'varchar(100)') AS propval
FROM dbo.MFProcessBatch pb
INNER JOIN dbo.MFProcessBatchDetail pbd
    ON pb.ProcessBatch_ID = pbd.ProcessBatch_ID
LEFT JOIN dbo.MFUpdateHistory uh
    ON uh.Id = pbd.Update_ID
WHERE pbd.ColumnName = 'NewOrUpdatedObjectDetails' AND  uh.ObjectVerDetails.value('(/form/objVers/@objectID)[1]', 'varchar(100)') = 578

The image show all the instances where the specific object has been processed and the property value and version for the specific update. image2

The following script wlll allow you to identify the row number of the property being monitored (as in row 8 in the above example.) Inspect the xml record for one of the updates that has taken place.

SELECT NewOrUpdatedObjectDetails
FROM dbo.MFUpdateHistory uh
WHERE =1247


Alternatively use a script to list the properties in sequence.

SELECT @props =NewOrUpdatedObjectDetails
FROM dbo.MFUpdateHistory uh
WHERE =1247
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT ,@props
SelECT * FROM OPENXML(  @hdoc ,'/form/Object/properties',1)
(propertyId INT, dataType VARCHAR(100), propertyValue VARCHAR(100))
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @Hdoc


no entry in MFContextMenuQueue

  • check that the correct actionname is included in the event handler script

  • validate that the insert statement has been included in the custom procedure

  • check MFContextMenu table to validate that the event is reaching SQL

nothing is reaching SQL

  • check cross referencing of MFContextMenu with the event handler scripts and the SQL procedure

  • check connnection in the M-Files Configurator

the queue is not being processed

  • check that the agent is running

deletions are not being processed

  • validate the separate event handler, custom procedure and entry in MFContextMenu

created objects is not being processed

  • a sepearate event handler must point to the same procedure and MFcontextMenu item as the update procedure
