Utility Tables

A number of special tables is included in the Connector. The use and columns of these tables are described in the following sections


MFDataTypes are used by the Connector to convert the M-Files datatypes to SQL datatypes. This table should not be changed as it will make the assemblies inoperable.


Used to store the deployment details


Used to store the connection details to the Connector Database and other settings


Used to store the connection details to the M-Files Vault


Include the process id and description of the process.


The MFDataType table allows for converting between the M-Files DataType definitions and SQL datatype definitions. This table is used with spMFCreateTable to set the columns of the class table.

Note that the ‘Time’ datatype in M-Files converts a varchar value to a valid time in M-Files. The input value in SQL for a time based column must be a string of the format nn:nn using the 24 hour time format.  hours and minutes outside 1-24 and 0-59 will result in a M-Files datatype error.


The MFdeploymentDetail table is maintained by the Connector and show the latest version of the Connector that is deployed in the database.


The Settings Table defines key settings that is used by the Connector. It can also be used for other settings required in the application as long as the structure of the table is not changed and the minimum requirements for the Connector is met.

The table is used for the M-Files user and vault settings for the Connector as outlined in the security section.

When use encrypt and decrypt procedures when the M-Files password is updated in the settings table as described in the CLR integrated security section

The table is also used for the email settings used by the Connector as described in the error management section

Enable the SQL instance for Email Management and create email profile for the Connector.  This email profile must be updated in the value column of the setting SupportEMailProfile.

MFProcess table

Several process_IDs are used as a standard by the Connector to indicate the status of a record in the ClassTable for processing. These IDs are defined in the Process table. The following process_id are predefined and must be retained in the settings table. Additional processes that is application specific may be added to the table.