Logging Tables

The Connector includes several logging tables for different purposes. Error management and functional use of these tables are further described in the documentation of each table

Class Record Updates

The Connector logs updates to the ClassTables and errors. These logs are created when spMFUpdateTable is executed.

The Table MFUpdateHistory have details of every ClassTable update that the Connector do against SQL and M-Files. The id of this table is recorded in the class table as the Update ID. Consequently the class table shows the id in the history of the last update to the object.

The following core operations record entries in this table:

Use the procedure spMFUpdateHistoryShow to explore summarized content and lists of a specific updateid.

The table MFAuditHistory have details of the object version (objid, version, class, object type) of every object in class tables and is used to cross check the object version status with the class table object detail. Use the view MFvwAuditSummary for a summarised result. When the procedure spMFObjectTypeUpdateClassIndex is run the audit table will include details of all the tables, rather than only those with class tables. Use the view MFvwObjectChangeHistory for details about the object count and highest objid of the class.

Procedure Processing logs

Two tables are used to log key events for key procedures. MFProcessBatch has a unique reference for each process.  A single record is created when the process starts and updated with progress of the process until completion.  The MFProcessBatchDetail records individual records for key events of each process batch.

These tables also include procedures actioned through the context menu. The activity through the vault application is also recorded in the logs defined in configurations section of the MFSQLConnector VAF Application.

These logs are set for all standard procedures. Custom procedures can include entries to MFProcessBatch by using spMFProcessBatch_Upsert and to MFProcessBatchDetail by using spMFProcessBatchDetail_Insert

Error logs

System error is logged when it is triggered in any procedure. The Table MFLog have details of the system errors reported by the Connector.

Errors entries in MFLog Table triggers an email to the email address in the MFSettings table SupportEmailRecipient. This email is dependent on setting up database mail for the server. The logs can also be inspected with

Select * from mflog order by logid desc

An example of such an email is below image0