Context Menu

The Context Menu provides the capability of executing a SQL Procedure or navigate to a URL from M-Files. The Context Menu is dependendent the M-Files Desktop client. it is not available in M-Files Web Access or Mobile.

This capabilities allows for the following key features

  1. Action button in M-Files task bar to open Menu items

  2. Customisable menu items grouped by customisable group headings

  3. Open URL in new browser when menu item is selected

  4. Execute a procedure in the Connector database when menu item is selected

  5. Right click on an object and execute an item from the menu to execute a store procedure with the object version details of the selected item as input parameters

  6. Add script in workflow state action that will execute a store procedure in SQL

Refer to Installing the Context Menu the Context menu

Refer to Using the Context Menu

Note that the Context Menu is installed and operates as a separate module of the Connector and requires the installation of the Data Exchange module to operate.

Context Menu Procedures

The context menu relies on procedures with a predefined structure.

The procedure spMFGetContectMenu is used by the application and should not be modified.

The functionality provides for two types of procedures to be executed:

  1. Procedure without any input parameters

  2. procedure using the object version of the of the M-Files object in context as input parameter.

The name of the procedure must be added in the column Action in MFContextMenu table for the menu item that will be used to execute the action.

The procedure will be executed when the menu item is select. The intent is that this procedure will call the custom procedure that controls the execution of the desired process. On completion the output message of the this procedure will be return to the user in M-Files.

Procedure without input parameter (action type 1)

CREATE PROCEDURE [contmenu].[procname]
@OutPut varchar(1000) Output

  Begin Try
   --Call procedure to perform operation and return output message
   set @OutPut='Operation successful'
  End Try
  Begin Catch
   set @OutPut='Error:'
   set @OutPut=@OutPut+(select ERROR_MESSAGE())
  End Catch

Procedure with object version as input parameter (action type 3)

Create Procedure contmenu.procname
@ObjectID int,
@ObjectType int,
@ObjectVer int,
@OutPut varchar(1000) Output
  Begin Try
--Call procedure to perform operation using the object details as input and return output message
   set @OutPut='Operation successful'
  End Try
  Begin Catch
   set @OutPut='Error:'
   set @OutPut=@OutPut+(select ERROR_MESSAGE())
  End Catch

Formatting result message for UI

The procedure spMFResultMessageForUI is specifically targeted at providing a formatted message to be returned to the UI to improve the user message on completion of the procedure.

This procedure is called from the main procedure than controls the process to return and error or to return to successful completion.  It also assumes that the main procedure utilizes the MFProcessBatch table to log to outcome of the procedure.

the message returned is the result of the procedure as recorded in the MFProcessBatch.

Line Breaks in output

insert ‘n’ in the string to insert line breaks in the output message :

for example:

set @OutPut= 'ObjectID='+CAST(@ObjectID as varchar(10))+ '/n' + ' ObjectType='+cast(@ObjectType as varchar(10))+
+ '/n' + ' ObjectVer='+ cast(@ObjectVer as varchar(10))