Class tables

Class Table Columns

Class tables are not added by the Connector on deployment. The class tables are added by the developer using the Connector for those M-Files classes that will be used in the application. See Functional Description for the creation and use of the class tables.

Table Name: The name of the class table is defined in column TableName in the MFClass Table. The Connector will create a default name for all the tables. These names can be edited.

Column Name: The columns in the Class Tables is automatically assigned on creation. The name of the column is defined in the MFProperty Table in the column ‘ColumnName’. These names can be edited.

Column Definitions: Several special columns are automatically created. The column order also has a very specific arrangement. See Table Columns for further detail.

Class Tables and there columns

All of the columns defined in the MFClassProperty Table for the specified class will be included in the Class Table with the data types defined above.

Where a property has an ID column and a name column (For example Customer and Customer_ID) the name column is incidental and does not have to be updated when changes are made. Only the ID have to be updated. The name column will be automatically refreshed from the metadata.

MF Ad-hoc Columns

M-Files allow the addition of ad-hoc properties. Also, when a property is dropped from the metadata definition in M-Files and already have values on an object, then the property will retain its value.

When the Connector finds an additional property on an object, and it is not part of the metadata card, then a column will be added to the end of the Class Table with the columnname and datatype definitions as previously described.

Non Connector Columns

It is possible to add columns to the class table that will be ignored by the Connector but is available for processing in the application. These columns must have a prefix of MX_ (for example MX_SAGE_Code)

Notwithstanding the ability to add additional columns to the Connector tables following the convension above, it is recommended to create additional tables for custom applications that is cross referenced to the Connector tables rather than adding columns to Connector tables.

Special columns

Required (NOT NULL)

If the metadata is a required property as defined in the MFClassProperty table then the column will be created with a NOT NULL constraint.


The columns that will be created for the table is derived from the following:

  • Default column

  • Derived from the MFClassProperty Table.

  • Add - Hoc columns

  • Non Connector columns

Default columns

The default columns are created on every class table irrespective of the mapping of metadata for the specific class. These columns must not be dropped or renamed. They are located in different sections of the table.

Default columns


Special Application



Identity column for Table

Unique ID

Identity=Yes, SQL Only


MF Guid for object

Creating ULR links to record; SQL cannot update this item

From M-Files, SQL read only



External applications can use this column to show SQL user ID for the record

SQL only


MF Created date in UTC datetime format

Automated by Connector, no need to specify when creating new record in SQL

From M-Files, SQL Read Only


MF last modified date in UTC datetime format

Automated by Connector, no need to specify when creating new record in SQL

From M-Files, SQL Read Only


MF user name

From MF to SQL; Automated; do not specify when updating or creating record in SQL

From M-Files, SQL Read Only


MF user id

From MF to SQL; Automated; do not specify when updating or creating record in SQL

From M-Files, SQL Read Only


MF Class

For information only, not required to be updated

From M-Files


MF ClassID

Use Class_ID when combining several class tables into one view in application; Can also be used to move a record from one class to another



MF Workflow

For information only, not required to be updated

From M-Files


MF Workflow_ID

Always include workflow ID when inserting or updating the state



MF State

For information only, not required to be updated

From M-Files


MF State_ID

Used to update or insert a state



SQL last modified Local time format

This column is automated SQL Only


SQL process ID

Indicator to show status of process of record as per process table. Default value is 0



MF Internal ID

Leave blank when new records is created in SQL

From M-Files, SQL Read Only


MF External ID

MF allows objects to have external ID, when the external ID is used, it is not longer possible for a user to search for a record in Mfiles by the internal ID. The internal ID is also no longer displayed in the Metadata Card.



MF Single File

Show status of the Single File property in M-Files. Default value is 0 (multifile)

From M-Files, Updatable


MF File Count

Show count of files included in the object

From M-Files; SQL Read Only


MF Version

Automated. Also used by the Connector to identify syncronisation conflicts

From M-Files, SQL Read Only


MF Deleted

Deletion Status of record in MF

From M-Files


SQL history log ID

ID of history log when record was last updated

SQL only, Read only

The following sample statement will list all properties in the vault and the relationship to the classes.

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[MFClassProperty]
JOIN [dbo].[MFClass] AS [mc]ON [mc].[ID] = [mcp].[MFClass_ID]
INNER JOIN [dbo].[MFProperty] AS [mp]ON [mp].[ID] = [mcp].[MFProperty_ID]
ORDER BY mc.mfid, mp.mfid asc

The following standard properties are included by default on every class table:

  • Name or title

  • Created

  • Last modified

  • Last modified by

  • Created by

Process_id values






Set by user to show record to be updated by Connector


Syncronisation Error

Set by Connector to show Syncronisation errors



Set by Connector to show record with SQL error



Set by Connector to show record with MF error

By default the process_ID on the class table is 0.

Refer to error management for more information on handling errors

Refer to Update ClassTable records for more information on the use of these process id’s.

Indexes on class tables

The use of indexes on class tables could materially improve the efficiency and processing of objects, especially in larger tables.

Indexes is applied specific to the use of columns in the tables. The Connector provides flexibility regarding the use of indexes.

We recommend to at least set indexes on the objid and external_id columns. In some cases you may choose to set indexes on these columns in combination with other columns to improve additional efficiency.

MFSettings include a default setting for the creation of indexes. This setting is introduced in version By default the automatic creation of indexes is set to 0 (do not created indexes).

When this setting is set to 1 then spMFCreateTable will automatically create indexes on objid and external_id.

SELECT * FROM dbo.MFSettings AS ms WHERE name = 'CreateUniqueClassIndexes'

SET value = '1'
FROM dbo.MFSettings AS ms
WHERE name = 'CreateUniqueClassIndexes'

Execute the procedure spMFSetUniqueIndexes to set indexes on all existing class tables, rather than recreating the tables from scratch.

EXEC spmfsetuniqueindexes

Object change history

The MFObjectChangeHistory table include the object change history across all classes

MFSQL allows for extracting the change history for specific objects and for specific properties of these objects.

The data is shown as a row for each version and property change. The table includes data accross all classes but will only show the data that has previously been extracting using the related procedures.

The table MFObjectChangeHistoryUpdateControl is used for setting up the properties and tables to be included in the get history process.

Object Versions

The class tables contain the full object detail including properties of an object. On the other hand, the Connector also provides for and use the capability of extracting the Object Version only from M-Files. This significantly improves the effficiency of determining the latest object version and status of an object.

The MFAuditHistory table contains the object version detail of all classes where the data has been extracted from M-Files.