
This CLR procedure is at the heart of the exchange of the object data between SQL and M-Files.  Understanding the inner workings of the exchange of data between SQL And M-Files could help in some situations, especially to related the results in MFUpdateHistory table.

The procedure cannot be executed on its own as it depends on the input parameters in XML format.

  • @VaultSettings

    controls access to M-Files and is dependent on  MFvaultsettings SELECT [dbo].[FnMFVaultSettings]() returns the setting for parameter

  • @XML

    XML formatted details of records: If UpdateMethod 0 then XML include new/updated record of all items with process_id If updateMethod 1 then XML include on ObjecctType and Class for update. this input is shown in MFUpdateHistory.ObjectDetails

  • @ObjVerXmlString

    this shows the object and version of the M-Files records in the scope of the filter that is in SQL only applies to update method 1 and 2 this input is shown in MFUpdateHistory.ObjectVerDetails

  • @MFIDs

    List of ID’s to be updated. Only visible in debug mode

  • @UpdateMethod

    0 or 1

  • @MFModifiedDate

    MFupdateTable filters

  • @ObjIDsForUpdate


    outputs the object and version of the new record created in M-Files to be updated in SQL only when method is not 0 this output is shown in [MFUpdateHistory].[NewOrUpdatedObjectVer].

  • @NewObjectXml OUTPUT

    this output is shown in  MFUpdateHistory].[NewOrUpdatedObjectDetails] This data is updated into SQL

  • @SynchErrorObj OUTPUT

    this output is shown in[MFUpdateHistory].[SynchronizationError] only when method is not 0 Process_id is set to 2

 - @DeletedObjects OUTPUT

this output is shown in[MFUpdateHistory].[DeletedObjectVer] only when method is not 0 and filter is not@MFModifiedDate Deleted is set to 1

 - @ErrorInfo OUTPUT

this output is shown in[MFUpdateHistory].[MFError] Process_id is set 3

  • @DeletedObjects OUTPUT

    Added new paramater

  • @ErrorInfo OUTPUT;