MFUpdateHistory for logging of class record changes


Every update that is processed through spMFUpdateTable is logged in the MFUpdateHistory Table.

As soon as the update is initiated an ID is reserved from MFUpdateHistory and the items related to the update is recorded in the table as XML records.  Note that this table potentially could include large XML records and it is not recommended to perform a select statement on this table without any filters.  It is also important to ensure that this table is maintained and that old records are regularly deleted.  See spMFDeleteHistory.

The significance and nature of the contents of the columns in the MFUpdateHistory table will depend and the parameters of the MFUpdateTable procedure and the outcome of the procedure.


Description of XML columns



ObjectType and Class of the table

<Object id=”0”>

Update Method 1

<class id=”17” />


ObjectType, Class, Property id, datatype and value of each record included in the filter

<Object id=”243” sqlID=”33328”>

Update Method 0

<class id=”163”>
<property id=”0” dataType=”1”>Update</property>
<property id=”27” dataType=”7”>0</property>
<property id=”37” dataType=”8” />
<property id=”38” dataType=”9”>122</property>
<property id=”39” dataType=”9”>214</property>
<property id=”1079” dataType=”10” />


Object Version of the objects including: Object Type, Object ID; Version: ObjectGuid

<ObjectType id=”186”>

Update Method 1

<objVers objectID=”67957” version=”1” objectGUID=”{8328F62A-6534-4286-B436-07B394711187}” />
<objVers objectID=”68750” version=”3” objectGUID=”{F34392E4-D130-4ACB-A4D5-3B325399F6AB}” />
<objVers objectID=”68940” version=”1” objectGUID=”{8B079EFF-6096-49C3-981F-006A58917ABC}” />
<objVers objectID=”68941” version=”1” objectGUID=”{5BDAAB58-3DE2-4105-BFAE-B38827BA2042}” />
<objVers objectID=”68997” version=”1” objectGUID=”{3EE44F72-37F5-4DFE-9AB0-60409AE4014F}” />


Not applicable


Update Method 0


Not Applicable


Update Method 1


Object Version of new objects from M-Files to be updated in SQL

<ObjectType id=”186”>

Update Method 0

Object Type, Object ID; Version: ObjectGuid

<objVers objectID=”67957” version=”1” objectGUID=”{8328F62A-6534-4286-B436-07B394711187}” />
<objVers objectID=”68750” version=”3” objectGUID=”{F34392E4-D130-4ACB-A4D5-3B325399F6AB}” />
<objVers objectID=”68940” version=”1” objectGUID=”{8B079EFF-6096-49C3-981F-006A58917ABC}” />
<objVers objectID=”68941” version=”1” objectGUID=”{5BDAAB58-3DE2-4105-BFAE-B38827BA2042}” />
<objVers objectID=”68997” version=”1” objectGUID=”{3EE44F72-37F5-4DFE-9AB0-60409AE4014F}” />
<objVers objectID=”68998” version=”1” objectGUID=”{9264AB20-59B6-45C0-B2B5-605E2E56A54E}” />
<objVers objectID=”68999” version=”1” objectGUID=”{5D7DC8ED-07BF-4D6B-8442-8123E23D6E66}” />


Property details of the objects that is new or has changed in M-Files and are due to be updated in SQL

<Object objectId=”662” objVersion=”6” objectGUID=”{53C12CE1-600B-4FBF-BA50-6D524FB34E2E}” DisplayID=”662”>

Update Method 1 and 0

Note that when NewOrUpdatedObjectVer is included that these objects are new in SQL

<properties propertyId=”0” dataType=”MFDatatypeText” propertyValue=”Brokered Purchase Order TEMPLATE” />
<properties propertyId=”21” dataType=”MFDatatypeTimestamp” propertyValue=”10-05-2015 21:23” />
<properties propertyId=”23” dataType=”MFDatatypeLookup” propertyValue=”leRoux Cilliers” />
<properties propertyId=”23” propertyValue=”34” />


Object version of the record that has error


Object version of the record that is marked as deleted

<objVers objectID=”345208” version=”6” />
<objVers objectID=”346581” version=”2” />


Listing of the records with errors

This table could be a large table due to the XML content and it is advisable to extract specific data from it, rather that attempting to list the entire table.

To view the most recent updates use

Execute Procedure

SELECT top 5 * FROM [dbo].[MFUpdateHistory] AS [muh] order by id des

Use the procedure spMFUpdateHistoryShow to review the results of a specific Update_ID