Deleting duplicate objects

It happens that objects in M-Files are duplicated.  Perhaps due to some integration errors, or maybe just some finger trouble.  One way to remove it is to work through M-Files and delete them one by one. Another way is to use MFSQL Connector

It would involve the following steps

  1. Update the class table in the Connector using spMFUpdatetable with updatemethod 1

  2. Use SQL to isolate the duplicate records. The Row_Number() over (partition by order by ) functions are used.   See below for a sample script highlighting SQL methods to identify records that are duplicated and to add a row number on each series.

  3. Update the duplicate items process_id to 1 in the class table

  4. use spmfDeleleObjectList to delete the records

Sample Procedure

/*identify and delete duplicate records in Mfiles*/
UPDATE [mic2]
SET [mic2].[Process_ID] = 5
FROM [dbo].[MFInventoryCons] AS [mic2]
        SELECT [list2].[ObjID]
            SELECT [mic].[Cast],
                   ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY [mic].[Cast],
                                      ORDER BY [mic].[Cast],
                                     ) [Rownr]
            FROM [dbo].[MFInventoryCons] AS [mic]
                INNER JOIN
                    SELECT [mic].[Cast],
                    FROM [dbo].[MFInventoryCons] AS [mic]
                    GROUP BY [mic].[Cast],
                    HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
                ) [l]
                    ON [l].[Cast] = [mic].[Cast]
                       AND [l].[Mill_Plate] = [mic].[Mill_Plate]
        ) [list2]
        WHERE [list2].[Rownr] > 1
    ) [list3]
        ON [mic2].[ObjID] = [list3].[ObjID];

EXEC [dbo].[spMFDeleteObjectList] @TableName = N'MFCertKey', -- nvarchar(100)
                                  @Process_id = 5,                 -- int
                                  @Debug = 0,                      -- int
                                  @DeleteWithDestroy = 0;          -- bit

And another example of isolating duplicates using the rank function and cte.

WITH [cte]
AS (SELECT [mc].[ObjID],
           RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY [mc].[Certkey_Name],
                        ORDER BY [mc].[ObjID]
                       ) AS [rnk]
    FROM [dbo].[MFCertkey] AS [mc])
 SET process_id =5
 FROM dbo.MFCertKey AS [mic]
 INNER JOIN cte [cte]
 ON cte.[ObjID] = mic.objid
WHERE [cte].[rnk] > 1;

EXEC [dbo].[spMFDeleteObjectList] @TableName = N'MFInventoryCons',
                                  @Process_id = 5,
                                  @Debug = 0,
                                  @DeleteWithDestroy = 1;