Moving documents from one class to another

Note that the following method should only be used where the source and target classes have the same object type.

In this use case objects need to be move from one class to other.  The additional functionality of metadata configuration has made it possible to consolidate similar objects with slightly different processing requirements, instead of having separarate classes for each variety of object.  Having less classes reduces the complexity for the users and improves the analysis of the data.

Moving records from one class to another involves the following steps:

  1. Update all the class tables in the Connector using spMFUpdatetable with updatemethod 1

  2. Do a select statement on the source class table to isolate the records to be moved to another class

  3. Update the class_id column with the MFID of the new class, and set process_id = 1

  4. Use spMFUpdatetable with updatemethod 0 to  update the source class table.

  5. Perform spMFUpdateTable with update method 1 on the target table and source table.

  6. Note that the records in the source table will all be set to deleted = 1 and properties that were included in the source table but not part of the metadata structure of the target table will automatically be added as additional columns to the target table