Integration with Vendor Management and Purchasing with Epicor EnterpriseΒΆ
This use case are using M-Files to Management Vendors and Vendor Invoice approval in M-Files, capture the full invoice, including line items and then automatically post the approved transactions into Epicor.
The deployment of this integration has two parts:
Synchronize the classes in M-Files that relates to these operations with SQL. These include classes such as Vendors, Invoice Headers, Invoice documents and Invoice Line items.
Trigger the update of the Epicor SQL database when conditions are met in the SQL Class tables.
The core application features and functions of this integration include:
Data takeon from Epicor into M-files of vendors, valuelists and other static data.
Updating SQL with M-Files when the controller is ready to push transactions into Epicor. This applies MFSQL Connector to synchronize the data
Alignment of the data between M-Files and Epicor. This involves valuelist synchronization for drop downs in M-Files and data mapping between fields.
Exception and error handling for the data mapping and compliance with the rules of both systems.
Procedures to trigger when Vendors can be pushed into Epicor as approved vendors.
Procedures to trigger when Invoices are approved and ready to be pushed into Epicor
Exception and error handling for rejections from Epicor
Updating M-files with the results of the integration
Updating M-Files with the payments documents matched with the invoice metadata
Updating Epicor explorer with a hot link to all invoice related documents allowing click through to the documents from Epicor to M-Files.