Get number of records in ClassΒΆ

Sometimes it is necessary to know the number of records in a particular class or object type.

Using the procedure spMFObjectTypeUpdateClassIndex and then inspecting the result will do just that.

First, process the update of the index. This can be done for a specific class, only for classes included in MFSQL Connector, or for all classes.

Get the max objid and object count in a vault for all objects

EXEC [dbo].[spMFObjectTypeUpdateClassIndex] @IsAllTables = 1 -- setting to 0 will only include includedinapp class tables
                                           ,@Debug = 0

Determine the max objid and object count for a specific class

EXEC [dbo].[spMFObjectTypeUpdateClassIndex] @IsAllTables = 0
                                           ,@MFTableName = 'Customer'
                                           ,@Debug = 0

The view MFvwObjectTypeSummary will produce a stats table on the data in the MFAuditHistory table to show all the classes by Object Type with the record count, maximum object id and if it has a class table or not.
