Updating only records that changedΒΆ

This use case illustrate how to update only the records that have changed between M-Files and an a third party application.

It is important to not not update every record, every time in M-Files to avoid a huge number of history records where no change has taken place.

Step 1:

Add the key values from the external tables into a temporary table.

Create table #SalesOrders
                [SalesOrder] NVARCHAR(100),
                 [ProgramOrder] NVARCHAR(100),
                [MainSerialNo] NVARCHAR(100),
                [SigmaProgram] NVARCHAR(100),
                [CustomerPO] NVARCHAR(100),
                [CustomerNo] NVARCHAR(100)
      Insert into #SalesOrders

Step 1 : compare the temporary table and the class table

Using CTE with EXCEPT: This snippet is an example of comparing the Class Table (MFSalesPack) with an extract from the Thirdparty application tables (#SalesOrders) on key values (the columns to be compared) and then updating process_id on the class table with the values ready to be updated into M-Files.

  SELECT [msp].[Reference_no],
FROM [dbo].[MFSalesPack] AS [msp]
    CROSS APPLY [dbo].[fnMFParseDelimitedString]([msp].[Customer_ID], ',') AS [fmpds]
    INNER JOIN [#SalesOrders] AS [so]
        ON [msp].[Reference_no] = [so].[SalesOrder]
    LEFT JOIN [dbo].[MFCustomer] AS [mc]
        ON [mc].[ObjID] = [fmpds].[ListItem]
WHERE [msp].[Deleted] = 0
SELECT [so].[SalesOrder],
FROM [#SalesOrders] AS [so])
 UPDATE [msp]
            SET [msp].[Process_ID] = 1,
                [msp].[Customer_ID] = [mc2].[ObjID],
                [msp].[Customer_po] = [cte].[Customer_PO],
                [msp].[Program_order] = [cte].[Program_Order]
               [msp].[Sigma_Program_Name] = [so].[SigmaProgram]
            FROM [dbo].[MFSalesPack] AS [msp]
   INNER JOIN [cte]
   ON msp.[Reference_no] = cte.[Reference_no]
   LEFT JOIN [dbo].[MFCustomer] AS [mc2]
   ON mc2.[ExternalID] = cte.[ExternalID]

Step 3: Update the Class table

        @ProcessBatch_ID INT;
EXEC [dbo].[spMFUpdateTable] @MFTableName = 'MFSalesPack',    -- nvarchar(200)
                             @UpdateMethod = 0,   -- int
                             @Update_IDOut = @Update_IDOut OUTPUT,                    -- int
                             @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID OUTPUT