Using hyperlinks with MFSQL ConnectorΒΆ
MFSQL Connector makes it easy to create and incorporate hyperlinks to objects for use in different scenarios
It can be used to create various forms of desktop and web hyperlinks. The link can be formatted to be html friendly.
The function ::doc`functionsfnMFObjectHyperlink` is based on a specific class table and use the objid and guid columns of the object as input. It also use a switch to determine the type of hyperlink.
Desktop - Show
Desktop - view
Desktop - open
Desktop - show metadata
Desktop - edit
--desktop - show (option 1)
select [mc].[name_or_Title] AS Account, [dbo].[fnMFObjectHyperlink]('MFAccount',mc.[objid],mc.[guid],1) from [dbo].[MFAccount] AS mc
--desktop open (option 4)
select [mc].[name_or_Title] AS Account, [dbo].[fnMFObjectHyperlink]('MFAccount',mc.[objid],mc.[guid],4) from [dbo].[MFAccount] AS mc
--desktop - view (option 3)
select [mc].[name_or_Title] AS Account, [dbo].[fnMFObjectHyperlink]('MFAccount',mc.[objid],mc.[guid],3) from [dbo].[MFAccount] AS mc
--desktop - edit (option 6)
select [mc].[name_or_Title] AS Account, [dbo].[fnMFObjectHyperlink]('MFAccount',mc.[objid],mc.[guid],6) from [dbo].[MFAccount] AS mc
--desktop - show metadata (option 5)
select [mc].[name_or_Title] AS Account, [dbo].[fnMFObjectHyperlink]('MFAccount',mc.[objid],mc.[guid],5) from [dbo].[MFAccount] AS mc
--web (option 2)
select [mc].[name_or_Title] AS Account, [dbo].[fnMFObjectHyperlink]('MFAccount',mc.[objid],mc.[guid],2) from [dbo].[MFAccount] AS mc