Custom Procedure - DoVendorUpsertΒΆ

This is a sample procedure for updating vendors from ERP

set ansi_nulls on;
set quoted_identifier on;

alter procedure Custom.DoVendorUpsert
        @ID int = null
  , @OutPut varchar(1000) output
  , @ProcessBatch_ID int = null output
  , @ObjectID int = null
  , @ObjectType int = null
  , @ObjectVer int = null
  , @ClassID int = null
  , @Debug smallint = 0
        declare @MFClassTable nvarchar(128);
        declare @SQLQuery nvarchar(max);
        declare @Params nvarchar(max);

        begin try
                set nocount on;

                -- CONSTANTS: MFSQL Class Table Specific
                declare @MFTableName as nvarchar(128) = N'MFVendor';
                declare @ProcessType as nvarchar(50);

                set @ProcessType = isnull(@ProcessType, 'Update Vendor from ERP');

                declare @procedureName nvarchar(128) = N'custom.[DoVendorUpsert]';
                declare @ProcedureStep nvarchar(128);

                -- CONSTATNS: MFSQL Global
                declare @UpdateMethod_1_MFilesToMFSQL tinyint = 1;
                declare @UpdateMethod_0_MFSQLToMFiles tinyint = 0;
                declare @Process_ID_1_Update tinyint = 1;
                declare @Process_ID_6_ObjIDs tinyint = 6; --marks records for refresh from M-Files by objID vs. in bulk
                declare @Process_ID_9_BatchUpdate tinyint = 9; --marks records previously set as 1 to 9 and update in batches of 250
                declare @Process_ID_Delete_ObjIDs int = -1; --marks records for deletion
                declare @Process_ID_2_SyncError tinyint = 2;
                declare @ProcessBatchSize int = 250;

                -- VARIABLES: MFSQL Processing
                declare @Update_ID int;
                declare @MFLastModified datetime;
                declare @Validation_ID int;

                -- VARIABLES: T-SQL Processing
                declare @rowcount as int = 0;
                declare @return_value as int = 0;
                declare @error as int = 0;

                -- VARIABLES: DEBUGGING
                declare @DefaultDebugText as nvarchar(256) = N'Proc: %s Step: %s';
                declare @DebugText as nvarchar(256) = N'';
                declare @Msg as nvarchar(256) = N'';
                declare @MsgSeverityInfo as tinyint = 10;
                declare @MsgSeverityObjectDoesNotExist as tinyint = 11;
                declare @MsgSeverityGeneralError as tinyint = 16;

                -- VARIABLES: LOGGING
                declare @LogType as nvarchar(50) = N'Status';
                declare @LogText as nvarchar(4000) = N'';
                declare @LogStatus as nvarchar(50) = N'Started';
                declare @LogTypeDetail as nvarchar(50) = N'System';
                declare @LogTextDetail as nvarchar(4000) = N'';
                declare @LogStatusDetail as nvarchar(50) = N'In Progress';
                declare @ProcessBatchDetail_IDOUT as int = null;
                declare @LogColumnName as nvarchar(128) = null;
                declare @LogColumnValue as nvarchar(256) = null;
                declare @count int = 0;
                declare @Now as datetime = getdate();
                declare @StartTime as datetime = getutcdate();
                declare @StartTime_Total as datetime = getutcdate();
                declare @RunTime_Total as decimal(18, 4) = 0;
                declare @Objids varchar(4000);
                declare @ActionName nvarchar(100);
                declare @Workflow_ID int
                declare @State_ID int
                -- VARIABLES: DYNAMIC SQL
                declare @sql nvarchar(max) = N'';
                declare @sqlParam nvarchar(max) = N'';

                -- INTIALIZE PROCESS BATCH
                set @ProcedureStep = N'Start Logging';
                set @LogText = N'Processing ' + @procedureName;
                set @output = ''

                exec dbo.spMFProcessBatch_Upsert @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID output
                                                                           , @ProcessType = @ProcessType
                                                                           , @LogType = N'Status'
                                                                           , @LogText = @LogText
                                                                           , @LogStatus = N'In Progress'
                                                                           , @debug = @Debug;

                exec dbo.spMFProcessBatchDetail_Insert @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                                         , @LogType = N'Debug'
                                                                                         , @LogText = @ProcessType
                                                                                         , @LogStatus = N'Started'
                                                                                         , @StartTime = @StartTime
                                                                                         , @MFTableName = @MFTableName
                                                                                         , @Validation_ID = @Validation_ID
                                                                                         , @ColumnName = null
                                                                                         , @ColumnValue = null
                                                                                         , @Update_ID = @Update_ID
                                                                                         , @LogProcedureName = @procedureName
                                                                                         , @LogProcedureStep = @ProcedureStep
                                                                                         -- , @ProcessBatchDetail_ID = @ProcessBatchDetail_IDOUT --v38
                                                                                         , @debug = 0;

                -- BEGIN PROCESS
                set @DebugText = N'Object id %i';
                set @DebugText = @DefaultDebugText + @DebugText;
                set @ProcedureStep = N'Get Object: ';

                if @Debug > 0
                        raiserror(@DebugText, 10, 1, @procedureName, @ProcedureStep, @ObjectID);

                --- start of custom process for the action, this example updates keywords property on the object

                set @MFClassTable = N'MFVendor';

                declare @Name_or_Title nvarchar(100);
                declare @ExternalID int;
                declare @ActionType int;

                --get object from M-Files
                declare @MFLastUpdateDate smalldatetime
                          , @Update_IDOut     int;

                if @ObjectID is null
                   and @MFClassTable is not null
                        exec dbo.spMFUpdateMFilesToMFSQL @MFTableName = @MFClassTable
                                                                                   , @MFLastUpdateDate = @MFLastUpdateDate output
                                                                                   , @UpdateTypeID = 0
                                                                                   , @Update_IDOut = @Update_IDOut output
                                                                                   , @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                                   , @debug = 0;

                if @ObjectID is not null

                        set @Objids = cast(@ObjectID as varchar(100));

                        exec dbo.spMFUpdateTable @MFTableName = @MFClassTable
                                                                   , @UpdateMethod = 1
                                                                   , @ObjIDs = @Objids
                                                                   , @Update_IDOut = @Update_IDOut output
                                                                   , @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                   , @Debug = 0;


                select @Workflow_ID = mfid from dbo.MFWorkflow as mw where mw.Alias = 'WF.VendorApproval'
                select @State_ID = mfid from dbo.MFWorkflowState as mws where mws.Alias = 'WFS.VendorApproval.VendorApproved'

                select * from dbo.MFWorkflowState as mws

                set @DebugText = N'';
                set @DebugText = @DefaultDebugText + @DebugText;
                set @ProcedureStep = N'Select Account to update';

                if @Debug > 0
                        raiserror(@DebugText, 10, 1, @procedureName, @ProcedureStep);

                        -- Update changes from ERP including new vendors in ERP
                        --Changes in ERP will take precedence of MF

                        set @ProcedureStep = N'Update MF from ERP';

                        if @Debug > 0
                                raiserror(@DebugText, 10, 1, @procedureName, @ProcedureStep);

                        -- changes from ERP to SQL
                        with cte
                        as (select s.CompanyName
                                         , s.Address
                                         , s.City
                                         , s.PostalCode
                                         , s.SupplierID
                                from NORTHWND.dbo.Suppliers as s
                                inner join mfVendor mv
                                on s.SupplierID = mv.Vendor_code
                                select mv.Name_Or_Title
                                         , substring((mv.Address_Line_1 + ', ' + isnull(mv.Address_Line_2,'')), 1, 60)
                                         , mv.City
                                         , mv.Postal_Code
                                         , mv.ExternalID
                                from dbo.MFVendor as mv
                        update dbo.MFVendor
                        set Process_ID = 1
                          , Name_Or_Title = cte.CompanyName
                          , Address_Line_1 = cte.Address
                          , City = cte.City
                          , Postal_Code = cte.PostalCode
                        from dbo.MFVendor as mv
                                inner join cte
                                        on cte.SupplierID = mv.Vendor_code;

                                                                           SET @LogTypeDetail = 'Status';
                                                                           SET @LogStatusDetail = 'debug';
                                                                           SET @LogTextDetail = 'Update Vendor from ERP '
                                                                           SET @LogColumnName = 'Object';
                                                                           SET @LogColumnValue = @objids;

                                                                           EXECUTE @return_value = [dbo].[spMFProcessBatchDetail_Insert]
                                                                                @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                          , @LogType = @LogTypeDetail
                                                                          , @LogText = @LogTextDetail
                                                                          , @LogStatus = @LogStatusDetail
                                                                          , @StartTime = @StartTime
                                                                          , @MFTableName = @MFTableName
                                                                          , @Validation_ID = @Validation_ID
                                                                          , @ColumnName = @LogColumnName
                                                                          , @ColumnValue = @LogColumnValue
                                                                          , @Update_ID = @Update_ID
                                                                          , @LogProcedureName = @ProcedureName
                                                                          , @LogProcedureStep = @ProcedureStep
                                                                          , @debug = @debug

         set @OutPut = @OutPut + ' action ' + @ActionName;

                if exists(select 1 from MFVendor where process_ID = 1 and objid = @objectID)
                set @objids = cast(@objectID as varchar(10))
                exec dbo.spMFUpdateTable @MFTableName = @MFClassTable
                                                          , @UpdateMethod = 0
                                                          ,@objids = @objids
                                                           , @Update_IDOut = @Update_ID output
                                                           , @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                           , @Debug = 0;


                -- logging end of process batch
                set @ProcedureStep = N'End Upsert Vendor';
                set @StartTime = getdate();

                exec dbo.spMFProcessBatch_Upsert @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                           , @ProcessType = @procedureName
                                                                           , @LogType = N'Debug'
                                                                           , @LogText = @OutPut
                                                                           , @LogStatus = N'Completed'
                                                                           , @debug = 0;

                exec dbo.spMFProcessBatchDetail_Insert @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                                         , @LogType = N'Message'
                                                                                         , @LogText = @OutPut
                                                                                         , @LogStatus = N'Success'
                                                                                         , @StartTime = @StartTime
                                                                                         , @MFTableName = @MFClassTable
                                                                                         , @Validation_ID = null
                                                                                         , @ColumnName = null
                                                                                         , @ColumnValue = null
                                                                                         , @Update_ID = null
                                                                                         , @LogProcedureName = @procedureName
                                                                                         , @LogProcedureStep = @ProcedureStep
                                                                                         , @debug = 0;

                --send confirmation email
                declare @RecipientEmail nvarchar(100);
                declare @RecipientFromMFSettingName nvarchar(100);

                select @RecipientFromMFSettingName = cast(Value as nvarchar(100)) from mfSettings where name = 'SupportEmailRecipient'

                select @RecipientEmail = mla.EmailAddress
                from dbo.MFContextMenu            as mcm
                        inner join dbo.MFLoginAccount as mla
                                on mcm.Last_Executed_By = mla.MFID;

                                if @RecipientEmail is not null
                exec dbo.spMFProcessBatch_EMail @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                          , @RecipientEmail = @RecipientEmail
                                                                          , @RecipientFromMFSettingName = @RecipientFromMFSettingName
                                                                          , @ContextMenu_ID = @ID
                                                                          , @DetailLevel = 1
                                                                          , @LogTypes = 'Message'
                                                                          , @Debug = 0;

                --END PROCESS
                set @ProcedureStep = N'End';
                set @ProcessType = N'Completed';
                set @LogStatus = N'Completed';

                -- Log End of Process
                exec dbo.spMFProcessBatch_Upsert @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID output
                                                                           , @ProcessType = @ProcessType
                                                                           , @LogType = N'Message'
                                                                           , @LogText = @LogText
                                                                           , @LogStatus = @LogStatus
                                                                           , @debug = @Debug;

                set @StartTime = getutcdate();

                exec dbo.spMFProcessBatchDetail_Insert @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                                         , @LogType = N'Debug'
                                                                                         , @LogText = @ProcessType
                                                                                         , @LogStatus = @LogStatus
                                                                                         , @StartTime = @StartTime
                                                                                         , @MFTableName = @MFTableName
                                                                                         , @Validation_ID = @Validation_ID
                                                                                         , @ColumnName = null
                                                                                         , @ColumnValue = null
                                                                                         , @Update_ID = @Update_ID
                                                                                         , @LogProcedureName = @procedureName
                                                                                         , @LogProcedureStep = @ProcedureStep
                                                                                         , @debug = 0;

         return 1;
        end try
        begin catch
                set @StartTime = getutcdate();
                set @LogStatus = N'Failed w/SQL Error';
                set @LogTextDetail = error_message();

                 --reset is process running
                update dbo.MFContextMenu
                set IsProcessRunning = 0
                where ID = @ID;

                insert into dbo.MFLog
                  , ErrorNumber
                  , ErrorMessage
                  , ErrorProcedure
                  , ErrorState
                  , ErrorSeverity
                  , ErrorLine
                  , ProcedureStep
                (@procedureName, error_number(), error_message(), error_procedure(), error_state(), error_severity()
           , error_line(), @ProcedureStep);

                set @ProcedureStep = N'Catch Error';

                -- Log Error
                exec dbo.spMFProcessBatch_Upsert @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                           , @ProcessType = @ProcessType
                                                                           , @LogType = N'Error'
                                                                           , @LogText = @LogTextDetail
                                                                           , @LogStatus = @LogStatus
                                                                           , @debug = @Debug;

                set @StartTime = getutcdate();

                exec dbo.spMFProcessBatchDetail_Insert @ProcessBatch_ID = @ProcessBatch_ID
                                                                                         , @LogType = N'Error'
                                                                                         , @LogText = @LogTextDetail
                                                                                         , @LogStatus = @LogStatus
                                                                                         , @StartTime = @StartTime
                                                                                         , @MFTableName = @MFTableName
                                                                                         , @Validation_ID = @Validation_ID
                                                                                         , @ColumnName = null
                                                                                         , @ColumnValue = null
                                                                                         , @Update_ID = @Update_ID
                                                                                         , @LogProcedureName = @procedureName
                                                                                         , @LogProcedureStep = @ProcedureStep
                                                                                         , @debug = 0;

                return -1;
        end catch;